Out at the Fair® - Washington County Fair Cover Image


Out at the Fair® - Washington County Fair

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Start date 08-01-20 - 10:00
End date 08-01-20 - 23:00
  • Description

    We are excited to welcome the Washington County Fair - Hillsboro, Oregon to the Out at the Fair® family! Join us on Saturday, August 1, 2020, for our 1st official festival at the Washington County Fair. OATF® is the official LGBTQ+ festival of the Fair industry filled with a full day of Family-Friendly entertainment. Grab a free rainbow flag from the OATF® booth while supplies last! #OATF #OutattheFair

    Stay tuned for more information coming soon.

    Tickets: No admission required at the Washington County Fair!

    Interested in performing at Out at the Fair® in the future? Our LGBTQ+ entertainment portal is now open and applying for the Washington County Fair is free! Deadline to apply June 1, 2020! Just visit: https://www.outatthefair.com/

    Are you an LGBTQ+ non-profit? Interested in a free booth space at Out at the Fair®? Our LGBTQ+ community partners application is now open and applying for the Washington County Fair is free! Deadline to apply June 1, 2020! Just visit: https://www.outatthefair.com/

    Want to support the first-ever multi-location LGBTQ+ festival and reach over 900,000+ allies and community members in one summer? Partnership opportunities now available for our 2020 Summer Fair Tour. Just visit: www.OutattheFair.com to learn more! Help create an LGBTQ+ safe place at every OATF® participating Fair.

    Download the official Out at the Fair app or visit www.OutattheFair.com for more information about Out at the Fair.

    Free OATF® App Download Links:

    Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/out-at-the-fair/id1172019350

    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.appery.project441664